iBoot 3.0.4 + MultiBeast 3.9: Intel PC上安装,启动Mac OS X利器
【MultiBeast 3.7 9月12日更新】
Visible Changes:
- Replaced Chimera v1.4.1 r877 with v1.5.4 r1394. This version adds GraphicsEnabler support for additional ATI and NVIDIA cards along with adding support for Intel HD3000 GPU in Sandy Bridge CPUs. Also includes olegpronin's Facetime fix for non-RAID volumes. You need to add SkipFTFix=Yes to /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist when booting from a RAID volume.
- Added to Customization -> Boot Options -> PCI Configuration Fix. Adds npci=0x2000 to Kernel Flags in /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist
- Replaced JMicron36x SATA with 3rdParty SATA. This new kext supports ASMEDIA, JMicron and Marvell SATA controllers.
- Replaced JMicron36x eSATA with 3rdParty eSATA. This new kext supports ASMEDIA, JMicron and Marvell SATA controllers.
- Replaced IOPCIFamily Fix with Customization -> Boot Options -> PCI Configuration Fix.
- Added Macmini5,1 smbios
Internal Changes:
- Installation of Chimera will rename /Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist to /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist
- Added npci=0x2000 to all kernel flags
- Updated EasyBeast and UserDSDT to install Chimera v1.5.4 r1394
- Updated EasyBeast to use 3rdParty SATA instead of JMircon 36x SATA.
- Updated Kext Utility to 2.5.0b
- Changed all boot options choices to use org.chameleon.Boot.plist
3.8.0 Released 2011-07-11
Visible Changes:
- Added to Customization -> Boot Options -> Generate CPU States. Adds GenerateCStates=Yes and GeneratePStates=Yes to /Extra/com.apple.boot.plist.
- Added ATI 48xx Patch for 10.6.8 from netkas
- Added to Drivers & Bootloaders -> Kexts & Enablers -> Miscellaneous -> IOPCIFamily Fix
- Changed Drivers & Bootloaders -> Kexts & Enablers -> Miscellaneous -> FakeSMC Plugins to a menu choice.
- Added to FakeSMC Plugins -> Motherboard Plugins which only installs the motherboard plugins.
- Added to FakeSMC Plugins -> AMD RADEON Plugin which only installs the AMD RADEON GPU plugin.
- Added to FakeSMC Plugins -> NVIDIA Plugin which only installs the NVIDIA GPU plugin.
- Removed Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Prerelease; superseded by Chimera
- Removed NVEnabler; superseded by Chimera
Internal Changes:
- Updated FakeSMC to 3.1.0 Revision 493
- Updated FakeSMC Plugins to 3.1.0 Revision 493
- Added IOPCIFamily Fix to EasyBeast
- Added IOPCIFamily Fix to UserDSDT
[*]Upgraded Chimera to v1.4.1 r877
[*]Upgraded Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Prerelease to trunk r877
[*]Replaced IntelThermal with IntelCPUMonitor in FakeSMC Plugins.
[*]Removed Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - ATI Experimental; superseded by Chimera.
[*]Removed Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Sandy Bridge; superseded by Chimera.
iBoot 3.0.2 5月16日更新日志
-Added 10.7.4 Kernel from 2011 iMac/MBP Sandy Bridge 10.6.7 Update
-Updated bootloader to Chimera v1.3.0
-Changed theme back to default resolution
Multibeast 3.6.0 5月16日更新
Visible Changes:
Added ATI to Graphics. This is the latest complete ATI drivers from the iMac 2011 10.6.7 update that provides Radeon HD 6000 support. Backs up current drivers to ~/Desktop/ATI-Backup/.
- Removed ATI from Graphics.
- Added NVIDIA 256.02.05f01 to Graphics. This is the latest complete NVIDIA drivers from the iMac 2011 10.6.7 update that provides Fermi support and is equivalent to tonymacx86 NVIDIA Update 2.0. Backs up current drivers to ~/Desktop/NVIDIA-Backup/.
- Added iMac12,1 and iMac12,2 to System Definitions.
- Removed iMac11,3 from System Definitions.
- Renamed Chameleon Instant Menu to Instant Menu as it for Chimera and Chameleon.
- Changed the boot menu Timeout in all com.apple.Boot.plists from 1 to 2.
Internal Changes:
- Upgraded Chimera to v1.3.0 r760
Full list of changes:
[*]AddedChimera v1.0.0 r750 bootloader. This is MacMan's branch of Chameleonthat merges Kabyl's ATI code and some of valv's Sandy Bridge code.
[*]Changed EasyBeast and UserDSDT to use the Chimera bootloader by default
[*]Updated Chameleon 2.0 RC5 - Prerelease to r750
[*]Added ATI 48xx Patch for 10.6.7 from netkas
[*]Added Realtek Gigabit Ethernet 2.0.6 plugin
[*]Added Marvell Yukon Ethernet, a patched AppleYukon2 plugin that addssupport for the Marvell Yukon-88E8056 and Yukon-88E8057 ethernetcontrollers.
[*]Changed UserDSDT script to install without a DSDT for a DSDT-Freeinstall. Notification is in /private/var/log/install.log for whether aDSDT was installed or not.
iBoot (ATI):http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/8769865.html
iBoot(supported): http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/9313295.html
iBoot最新版:**** Hidden Message *****MulitBeast最新版:**** Hidden Message *****
iBoot Legacy 2.7.2(For Unsupported CPUs & GPUs) http://www.tonymacx86.com/1010110101/iBoot-Legacy-2.7.2.zip
任一OSx86安装向导都吓人,难懂的命令、网上鱼龙混杂的各种信息。本向导不需要编 写代码,也无需Mac经验,甚至比安装Windows 7都要简单有趣。
iBoot + MultiBeast方法适用于包括最新的Core i3/i5/i7在内的CPU,我也收到CoreDuo、Core2Duo甚至Pentium 4成功安装的报告。不过,它不支持AMD的CPU。
[*]一张Mac OS X Snow Leopard Retail DVD
[*]耐心和坚持——有困难很正常,到tonymacx86 Forum寻求帮助吧
[*]只留下一块打算安装OS X的硬盘
[*]如果用的是技嘉P55主板,硬盘要接蓝色的Intel SATA口,而不是白色的技嘉SATA
第二步:安装MAC OS X
要引导Mac OS X Retail DVD,需要下载刻录下面3个版本的iBoot之一。最通用的解决方案是iBoot NVIDIA。iBootATI添加对ATI显卡的支持。如果你有支持的处理器,如Core/Core2,或者是i3/i5 dual core,可以试试iBootSupported,它的内核是Vanilla 10.3.1
http://rico.zhyh.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/iBootLogo-Supported.jpg 下载在上面
1. 下载iBoot
2. 将下载的镜像刻到CD上
3. 把刻好的盘插进光驱
4. 重启电脑
5. 出现Chameleon提示后,弹出iBoot光盘
6. 插入Mac OS X Snow Leopard Retail DVD,按F5
7. 屏幕显示如下时,敲回车开始引导
8. 看到安装界面时,从菜单打开Utilities/Disk Utility
9. 注意:如果安装界面不出现,在上图界面上用-x重试,将引导到Mac OS X的安全模式,这肯定能继续进行下去。
10. 用GUID分区表对硬盘分区
11. 将硬盘格成Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
12. 为方便本向导的撰写,此分区卷标名为Snow Leopard。装好系统后可以改成别的。
14. 退出Disk Utility
15. 选择Customize,勾掉additional选项将提高安装速度,这些东东以后可以再装。
16. 安装结束时,有可能会出现Install Failed: Mac OS X Cannot Be Installed on thisVolume,如下图所示。这很正常——因为iBoot用的是补丁内核。如果你用Vanilla内核,就能看到InstallSucceeded。
17. 按向导继续进行。如果不能继续,重启,抹盘,重新再来。
18. 重启
19. 光驱放入iBoot
20. 出现Chameleon启动选择界面时,选择刚才安装的Snow Leopard
21. 欣赏超酷的Mac OS X Snow Leopard Welcome Video,然后设置你的机器
1. 打开Finder,打开Snow Leopard盘
2. 删除Mac OS X Install Folder,这个目录是安装后留下的无用残余
3. 下载Mac OS X 10.6.4 Combo Update(http://support.apple.com/downloa ... XUpdCombo10.6.4.dmg)
4. 下载MultiBeast(http://www.tonymacx86.com/Public/MultiBeast.zip)
5. 打开MultiBeast,不要运行,打开后放那就行了。
6. 载入MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.4.dmg
7. 安装MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.4.pkg
8. 升级结束时,安装程序会问是否重启,不要重启!
9. 切换到打开的MultiBeast
<p align=\"left\">http://rico.zhyh.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/MultiBeastlogo.png
<p align=\"left\">MultiBeast为超牛一站式工具:做引导、安装声卡、网卡、显卡等。有两个完整解决方案:EasyBeast和 UserDSDT。它还集成的系统工具有:重建Cache、修复权限、大量驱动、引导、补丁内核、引导时间配置文件等。</p>
EasyBeast针对Core/Core2/Core i系统,不需要DSDT。将自动安装让系统从硬盘引导的必备文件。声卡、显卡、网卡要再另外设置。
1. 运行MultiBeast
2. 如果搞到自己的DSDT,把它放到桌面,文件名为DSDT.aml,然后选择UserDSDT
3. 别的都选EasyBeast
4. 选择System Utilities
5. 如果清楚其他选项的意义,在这你可以选择它们,确定你读过它们的文档。注意:EasyBeast和UserDSDT默认安装Chameleon RC4,这不需要选择。
6. 安装到Snow Leopard,大概得花4分钟
7. 弹出iBoot
8. 重启硬盘上的Snow Leopard
看看,谢谢 谢谢楼主了,下需要 iBoot 3.0.4 强人支持先 good{:2:}
谢谢分享 好东西啊。我要了饿啊。 这个不错的!可以装黑苹果啊! 看看学习学习,喜欢mac {:6:}...............顶一下,,,,5654654 {:23:}。。。。。。。。。。试试看赞 不错不错,收了 好东西。。。。。。。。。。。 敢发隐藏贴,TJJTDS啦...
:o本贴由隐藏贴回复机快速回复 这东西能解决问题么。。