MemacX 发表于 13/11/25 19:54:25

黑苹果基础教程-集成显卡:ivy HD4000和Haswell HD5000 显卡驱动


变色龙现在已经能能驱动激活种显卡像 Intel Ivy Bridge 和 Haswell. 所有不需要编译DSDT和 注入 EFI 字串.
同时为用户 使用移动笔记本和桌面用户系统不需要独立的视频卡。

关键字为 org.chameleon.boot.plist, 阅读下列:
支持新的硬件 (Haswell).
端口连接到主变色龙分支代码版本为:: 2262
首先为全部我重命名该键的标记 (thx Micky1979 and bcc9):
- 为 Ivy Bridge 旧的键 HD4K-ig 现在侦测新的名称 IntelCapriFB (匹配苹果驱动名称和它的硬件)例如: IntelCapriFB=a_value 从 0 到 11
0 = 000066011 = 010066012 = 020066013 = 030066014 = 040066015 = 050062016 = 060062017 = 070062018 = 080066019 = 0900660110 = 0a00660111 = 0b006601

- 为新的 HaswellHD5K-ig 总是侦测新的名称 IntelAzulFB例如: IntelAzulFB=a_value from 0 to 15Spoiler
0 = 000006041 = 0000060c2 = 000016043 = 0000160a4 = 0000160c5 = 000026046 = 0000260a7 = 0000260c8 = 0000260d9 = 0200160410 = 0300220d11 = 0500260a12 = 0600260a13 = 0700260d14 = 0800260a15 = 08002e0a
I also introduced the ability to inject a custom AAPL,ig-platform-id for both kind of gfx (Ivy & Haswell) the keyflag is InjectIntel-igex: InjectIntel-ig=09006601 (a flipped 01660009)
The priority is:1° InjectIntel-ig2° IntelXxxxFB3° the default setting (based on BIOS memory for Ivy, and default ig for Haswell)
Example of data into org.chameleon.Boot.plist

Here we go:ChameleonErmaC
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查看完整版本: 黑苹果基础教程-集成显卡:ivy HD4000和Haswell HD5000 显卡驱动