SnowLeo_Mac_OSX86_for_intel_AMD10.6.2支持intel AMD处理器
by director A. K.
自定义选项boot.plist = 32 bit default.
| | +-o System
| | |-Base Package
| | |-Rosetta
| | |-X11User
| | |-Tools
| | |
| | +-o Chameleon Loader
| | |-Chameleon RC4 PC-EFI 10.5 (asereBLN)
| | |-Chameleon RC4 PC-EFI 10.6
| | |-Chameleon RC5 Pre11 Recursor's
| | |-Chameleon 2 PC-EFI 10
| | |-Chameleon 1 PC-EFI 9.4
| | |
| | +-o AMD Patch (BETA)
| | |
| | +-o ChipSet
| | |-Intel AHCI
| | |-ApplePXIIATA
| | |-Nforce ATA
| | |-Super Nforce ATA
| | |-VIA ATA
| | |-Super VIA
| | |-JMicron ATA
| | |-MB36x SATA
| | |
| | +-o Video Card
| | |--Intel
| | |-GMAX950
| | |-GMAX3100
| | |-GMAX3500
| | |-GMAX4500
| | |--Nvidia
| | |-Natit
| | |-NVEnabler
| | |-NVInject
| | |--ATI
| | |-ATI Init
| | |-EvoEnabler
| | |-ATI Redeon HD
| | |
| | +-o Network Card
| | |--LAN
| | |-BCM440X
| | |-BCM5785
| | |-Intel 82566M
| | |-NforceLan
| | |-RTL 8139
| | |-RTL 8169
| | |-AppleYukon2Injector
| | |-AttansicL1eEthernet
| | |-AttansicL1Ethernet
| | |-Intel Pro100
| | |-ViaRhine
| | |--Wifi
| | |-Realtek R1000
| | |-Atheros AR5005
| | |-Atheros AR5007
| | |-Marvel Yukon
| | |-AtherosWifiAdapter
| | |-D-LinkDWL-G520
| | |
| | +-o Audio Card
| | |-VoodooHDA
| | |-HDA Enabler
| | |-LegacyHDA
| | |-AppleAzalioAudio
| | |-AppleAC'97
| | |
| | +-o System Patches
| | |-DSDT Patcher-GUI
| | |-FakeSMC
| | |-NullCPUPM
| | |-PlatformUUID
| | |-Sleep Enabler
| | |-ApplePS2
| | |-USB Patch
| | |-IOATAFamily K.P. Fix
| | |-IOPCIFamily Fix
| | |-AppleRTC
| | |-FramebufferDisabler
| | |-SmBIOS.plist (imac 11,1)
| | |-UUID
| | |
| | +-o Notebook Patches
| | |-AcpiBatterymanager
| | |-VoodooBattery
| | |-Voodoo Power Mini
| | |-Vodoo Psate+monitor app
| | |-VoodooPS2withTrackPad
| | |-Thermal Kext
| | |
| | +-o Kernel
| | |-10.6.2 Kernel - Pcj XNU Release V0.9
| | |-Coco Kernel
| | |-Intel Atom Kernel
BT 种子下载
If you have problems before/after the installation;
安装如果有问题 请用下面参数启动
after the installation first time boot………..: -v -f
for blue screen………………………...........……: -x
for cpus K.P……………………………….........…..: cpus=1
for some cpus………………………………...........: cpus=1 busratio=20
for DVD booting kernel problem…..……......: mach_970