Pseudo-Elements Animation and transitions
Simple Icon Hover Effects
Caption Hover Effects
Dynamic Grid with Transitions
Nifty Modal Window Effects
A Collection of Page Transitions
Simple YouTube Menu Effect
Text Opening Sequence with CSS Animations
Understanding the CSS Clip Property
Animated 3D Bar Chart with CSS3
Interactive Infographic with SVG and CSS Animations
CSS3 Bounce Effect
Animated CSS3 Helix Using 3D Transforms Html
Animated Buttons with CSS3
Creative CSS3 Animation Menus
More efficient CSS3 Transitions
Create Page Turn Effect
Build Portfolio CSS3 Transitions
Animated Profile Popover
Paperfold CSS
Create a unique contact form with CSS3 Transitions
It works with browser supporting CSS3 transition property. You can easily create a contact form and add the use of CSS3 to have an effect on the letter sliding out from an envelope.
Scroll Effects
3D Thumbnail Hover Effects
Experimental CSS3 Animation for Image Transitions
Fancy Image Gallery with CSS3 Transitions