最新BCM5755驱动(国外高手自编5月22日更新) 亲测能够获取MAC地址,静态IP,但是DHCP未测,估计没问题。 作者宣传支持型号: BCM5722 BCM5754 BCM5754M BCM5755 BCM5755M BCM5787 BCM5787M # - tested BCM5906 # - tested BCM5906M # - tested 不支持的功能:Wake-on-LAN 安装方法 1、手工copy /System/Library/Extensions (已确认),修改权限 repair permissions 2、KextWizard (kexts.com mirror) 3、Kext helper(亲测) Credits broadcom for releasing the programmer's guide authors of Linux(tg3) and FreeBSD(if_bge) driver early beta testers from insanelymac forum (acero,Hacktrix2006,quadomatic,queshaolangman,Zpro od) Disclaimer This driver is neither supported nor endorsed by Broadcom. Zombies may invade your house and I take no responsibility for whatever happens. Use at your own risk Update Fix device detection problem affected to those who have cards with alphabets in its device id(5722,5754,5755,5787). 下载说明:驱动是由5722D修改过的 有同型号的可以测试 附上一个5784M驱动 祝大家好运!
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