Mac OS X平台中的一款软件提取工具Pacifist for Mac 3.2
Pacifist 是 Mac OS X平台中的一款软件提取工具,你可以用它来直接在后台查看或修改安装包和安装程序的内容,而无需运行安装程序,在解决许多棘手问题时非常有效。
除了安装包(pkg)文件以外,Pacifist还可以读取并提取dmg、zip、tar、tar.gz、tar.bz2、xar等格式的安装文件甚至包括Mac OS X系统自带的程序!
Pacifist 3.2 更新:

除了安装包(pkg)文件以外,Pacifist还可以读取并提取dmg、zip、tar、tar.gz、tar.bz2、xar等格式的安装文件甚至包括Mac OS X系统自带的程序!
Pacifist 3.2 更新:
- Compatibility with OS X 10.9 Mavericks and its packages
- Updated graphics for Retina Display
- Converted to Objective-C ARC for greater efficiency and reliability
- Rewrite the helper tool code for greater security
- Made better use of concurrency for greatly improved performance
- Now uses Notification Center on Mac OS X 10.8 and higher
- Added support for Zip archives using Method 1 (Shrink) and Method 6 (Implode)
- Fixed a bug which could cause errors on loading some packages
- Fixed a rare crash which could occur while extracting files from some archives
- Fixed a bug which could cause some spurious buttons to appear when using VoiceOver
- Fixed a bug which could cause certain packages to fail to load
- Improved performance when installing a large number of files
- Fixed a bug which caused the Finder not to automatically reveal extracted files
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes