ATI 5450 Mac 驱动 支持10.6

黑苹果显卡驱动 14/3/3 2.3k 0

ATI Radeon HD 5450 kexts
Used this to activate my Sapphire Radeon HD 5450 after installing OS X 10.6.3 and updating to 10.6.8 on the GA-G31M-ES2C.

Everything works (QE/CI included)

❶Install the ATI5000Injector.kext in /Extra/Extentions (use Kext Wizard if you used myHack).安装附件到E/E下
❷Install the ATIFramebuffer.kext in /System/Library/Extensions with Kext Wizard again.
❸Repair permissions+rebuild mkext for Extra and Repair permissions+Rebuild cache for /System/Library/Extensions after both installs.修复缓存
❹编辑变色龙配置文件 org.Chameleon.Boot.plist in /Extra/ 设置 GraphicsEnabler=Yes and ATIConfig=Eulemur. You can also do this with Chameleon Wizard.
❺Restart! And you're done. Enjoy QE/CI! I know how hard it can get to activate it.

ATI Radeon 5450 | (120.21 KB, 下载次数: 1, 售价: 5 金钱)

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