Followings are Descriptions of Features it has ::::
Slytherin The Extreme Post-Intsallation Utility.pkg
变色龙Chameleon :: install Chameleon Bootloader
Chameleon is a boot loader built using a combination of components which evolved from the development of David Elliott's fake EFI implementation added to Apple's boot-132 project.
设置Settings ::
Create an /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist by selecting any of these boot options and kernel flags.are necessary to run Hackintosh as Real Mac
机型识别SMBios ::
Contains pre-edited smbios.plist files that will identify your system as a specific Mac model.Choose exact Smbios which matches to your system,eg. iMac for Desktop System with desecrete Graphics and MacbookPro for Laptops ,MacMini is for Integrated Graphics /IntelHD Graphics Desktops ,is the general recommendation.
Config ::
Allready pre-configured org.chameleon.Boot.plist for Chameleon Bootloader ,Specially for Noob/Newbie/New Comers to Hackintosh don’t know what to select …Kernel flags and Settings for Chameleon Bootloader selected listed bellow with full description ::
开启显卡侦测GraphicsEnabler = Yes
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
关闭GraphicsEnabler = No
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
HD3000 High Resolution
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
HD3000 Low Resolution
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
HD4000 Desktop
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
HD4000 Low Resolution
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
HD4400/4600 Desktop
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
HD4400/4600 High Resolution
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>Yes</string>- HD4400/4600 Low Resolution
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
HD5000/5100 High Resolution
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
HD5000/5100 Low Resolution
<key>Kernel Flags</key>

Drivers provide additional functionality to the operating system. The drivers contained here provide either enhanced hardware support or are mandatory for non-DSDT based systems. Be sure to read the descriptions carefully before installation.
1. CPU Power Management :电源管理
Essential in Mac OS X to get Native Powemanagement to run System more Powerfull or Out of Danger for CPU Overheating .For Native Powermanagement SSDT and Native or Patched AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext is Required .
2. Graphics : (GPU):显卡

-it has Added Patch For Working VGA/HDMI/DisplayPort for SandyBridge and Ivy Bridge CPU’s
For more Details on Hardware Compatibility plz Read Harware Compatibility for Mac OSX Mavericks (upto 10.9.2).pdf
3. Sound ::声卡

Collection of kexts to enable the on-board Audio on your system. Make sure to read the descriptions carefully and only install the correct version for your specific audio codec.
3.1. All-in-One-Audio :
Great idea from Niresh and Updated by Deepak for 10.9.2 ,It Supports Most of Realtek ALCXXX Chipsets and many unsupported one…
Note :sometimes it won’t able to detect your Audio Chipset So plz Remove AppleHDA.Kext or VoodooHDA.kext in System/Library/Extensions and Re-install it you will get your Audio Works Like a Charm.
3.1. All-in-One-Audio-Solution :
Great idea from Niresh and Updated by Me for 10.9.2 ,It Supports Most of Realtek ALCXXX Chipsets and many unsupported one…
Note :sometimes it won’t able to detect your Audio Chipset So plz Remove AppleHDA.Kext or VoodooHDA.kext in System/Library/Extensions and Re-install it you will get your Audio Works Like a Charm.
3.2. IDT/Realtek/Conxant ::
Vanilla Kexts Patching For Some Specific Chipsets requires AppleHDA.kext in S/L/E ,Tested and Working .
Note :: This means kext Patching need Vanilla (un-touched/un-modified /un-altered) AppleHDA.kext ,if you have already installed All-in-One-Audio then Goto Mac Partition find Folder named Backup ,install kext inside Backup Folder using Kextwizard or Else.
4. Network网卡

4.1.All-in-Network-Solution ::
Great idea by Niresh and Updated for 10.9.2 by Deepak
It Supports Listed Ethernet and Wireless Network and Many More Other Chipsets
- Common wired and wireless network devices that are auto-detected by Mavericks.
There may still be problematic chips but most of them will work OOB with Mavericks
- Intel Gigabit and Intel Pro/100
- Realtek RTL8111, 8168, 8101E, 8102E, 8131E, 8169, 8110SC, 8169SC
- Atheros AR8121, 8113, 8114, 8131, 8151, 8161, 8171, 8132,8151, 8152, 8162, 8172
- Broadcom BCM5722, 5752, 5754, 5754M, 5755, 5755M, 5761, 5761e, 57780, 57781, 57785, 5784M, 5787, 5787M, 5906, 5906M, 57788, 5784M
- Marvell 88E8035, 88E8036, 88E8038, 88E8039, 88E8056, 88E8001
Wireless: Some chips (ie. Atheros ar5008, Broadcom BCM4311) are natively supported by OS X. So, this is not the complete wifi support list of OS X.
- Atheros AR9285, 9287, 9227
- Broadcom BCM4312, 4321, 4322, 43224, 43225, 43227, 43228, 4352 (Some of these broadcom chips need rebranding in order to work on OS X.)
here is link which have full list of compatible wifi chipsets
5. System ::系统补丁

Collection of Most Usefull kext provide enhancement to System/Motherboard .
5.1.AppleACPIPlatform RollBack :
Replaces the current AppleACPIPlatform.kext in /System/Library/Extensions with the 10.8.1 version. Required on some non-Gigabyte motherboards.
5.2.Trim-Enabler ::
Required for using Non-Apple SSD Drives ,Patch Added It can enable TRIM on non Apple-branded disks. Now you can also increase durability reducing I|O writing cycles, set hibernate mode and save space disabling sleep image.
5.3. 3rd Party SATA ::
Provides support for the ASMedia ASM1061, JMicron 36x (aka GSATA) and Marvell 88SE912 SATA controllers. All drives connected to these ports show on the desktop as Internal and can NOT be hot swapped. Installs AHCI_3rdParty_SATA.kext in /System/Library/Extensions.
5.4. RAID ::AHCIPortInjector::
Inject device id for RAID chipset, by Niresh.
5.5 AppleRTC Patch ::
Patch AppleRTC.kext to prevent CMOS reset after sleep/wake.
a) Patch for Patching Kext Allready Pached Kext.
5.6.USB 3.0
Universal GenericUSBXHCI.kext to enable USB 3.0 by Zenith432's to work on Most USB 3.0 Chipset .
If you don't have a DSDT, shutdown and reboot do not work without this kext. Installs EvOreboot.kext in /System/Library/Extensions.
6. Battery ::
Generally for Laptops to Enable Battery Features with these Kexts .
7.TouchPad and Keyboard
Trackpad and Keyboard kext for Enabling on Laptops for Most Common Usable Touchpad.
Essential and Most Usefull Fixes to get working perfectly your System.
Most Useful Tools/Apps for Hackintosh .
All the tools and kexts are creditted, if your name is missing in the tool, please respond, I will add in later release.
All feedback are welcome, and please post your suggestion (kexts, patches).
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