Intel HD4200 4400 4600 Graphics 显卡驱动 for OSX
Intel HD Graphics on El Capitan
Haswell HD4200/HD4400/HD4600: 设置device-id=0x0412.
Clover配置文件 config.plist/Devices/FakeID/IntelGFX=0x04128086
Broadwell HD5600 (10.11.0/10.11.1 only): 设置ID device-id=0x1626.
FakePCIID Installation
In addition, the Haswell graphics accelerator kext (AppleIntelHD5000Graphics.kext) checks the PCI device-id against a set of known values. Because the HD4200/HD4400/HD4600(mobile) values are not accommodated by this check, you must install FakePCIID kexts for PCI device-id spoofing.
The latest release of FakePCIID can be found here:
The source code is located at:
Install both FakePCIID.kext and FakePCIID_Intel_HD_Graphics.kext (originally FakePCIID_HD4600_HD4400.kext) in /System/Library/Extensions, EFI/Clover/kexts, or /Library/Extensions (10.11+).
Haswell HD4200/HD4400/HD4600: 设置device-id=0x0412.
Clover配置文件 config.plist/Devices/FakeID/IntelGFX=0x04128086
Broadwell HD5600 (10.11.0/10.11.1 only): 设置ID device-id=0x1626.
FakePCIID Installation
In addition, the Haswell graphics accelerator kext (AppleIntelHD5000Graphics.kext) checks the PCI device-id against a set of known values. Because the HD4200/HD4400/HD4600(mobile) values are not accommodated by this check, you must install FakePCIID kexts for PCI device-id spoofing.
The latest release of FakePCIID can be found here:
The source code is located at:
Install both FakePCIID.kext and FakePCIID_Intel_HD_Graphics.kext (originally FakePCIID_HD4600_HD4400.kext) in /System/Library/Extensions, EFI/Clover/kexts, or /Library/Extensions (10.11+).