苹果Mac音频插件包FabFilter Total bundle 2019.02.19 VST, VST3, AU

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FabFilter Total bundle 2019.02.19 VST, VST3, AU

FabFilter Total bundle 2019.02.19 VST, VST3, AU

Total Bundle是所有FabFilter插件的集合。借助该套件,您将获得我们专业的均衡器,混响,压缩器,多频段动态,限制器,去esser和门/扩展器,创造性的多频段失真,延迟,滤波器和合成器。
FabFilter Pro-L 2是Pro-L插件的主要更新,现已可用。
通过四种新算法,新的峰值限制模式,音量标准,环绕声支持和许多其他新功能,Pro-L 2在各个方面都得到了改进,同时保持了简单性和效率的基准

系统要求:OS X 10.8或更高

FabFilter Total bundle 音频插件列表
FabFilter Micro-v1.19
FabFilter One-v3.30
FabFilter Pro-C 2-v2.07
FabFilter Pro-DS-v1.11
FabFilter Pro-G-v1.21
FabFilter Pro-L 2-v2 .02
FabFilter Pro-MB-v1.18
FabFilter Pro-Q 3-v3.10
FabFilter Pro-R-v1.05
FabFilter Saturn-v1.19
FabFilter Simplon-v1.29
FabFilter Timeless 2-v2 0.29
FabFilter Twin2 - V2.29
FabFilter Volcano- V2.29

已更新所有插件,并在Pro-Q 3中添加了侧链触发功能
我们刚刚发布了所有FabFilter插件的更新,其中包含各种错误修复和改进。此更新对现有客户是免费的,我们建议每个人都更新到最新的插件版本。那么,此更新有何新内容?Pro-Q 3:为EQ频段添加了可选的外部侧链触发。要使用此功能,请首先单击动态范围环上方的“自动阈值”按钮以启用自定义阈值模式。在阈值滑块旁边,单击新的“外部侧链”按钮以启用或禁用外部侧链输入的触发。

现在可以像Pro-Q 2中一样再次单独禁用频段。
修复了一个错误,该错误阻止了复制和粘贴自动化将所有参数标记为Pro Tools的预览缓冲区中已更改的所有参数,从而无法覆盖现有的自动化。
修复了一个错误,该错误导致在启用Gain-Q Interaction选项的情况下使用鼠标滚轮在独奏模式下调整Q时,频段的增益跳至零。
修复了导致在macOS 10.13上双击Ableton Live 10的Audio Units插件中的文本值进行编辑后,界面变为全白的错误。
修复了添加新乐队时可能导致音频单元插件在Ableton Live中冻结一段时间的问题。

2019更新了插件,以与专门为macOS 10.14(Mojave)构建的Mac主机(例如在MacOS 10.14.0或10.14.1下运行的Logic Pro 10.4.4)完全兼容。以前,这可能会导致插件界面全黑。
修复了可能会导致高DPI显示器上的Cubase 10或Live 10中的插件界面与Windows上的某些图形驱动程序结合使用的错误缩放比例的问题。
在预设菜单的“选项”子菜单中添加了“刷新”项目:这使得可以手动刷新菜单(以及任何“ V1 / V2预设文件夹”子菜单,如果可用)。
Pro-C 2,Pro-G:在Pro Tools控件表面上增加了插件输入和输出级别的可视化。
Pro-C 2,Pro-G:修复了一个错误,该错误可能导致在当前在MIDI音符上触发插件时,如果启用MIDI处于关闭状态,则插件会保持在触发状态。
Pro-DS,Pro-L 2,Pro-MB:在Pro Tools控件表面上增加了插件输出级别的可视化。
Pro-L 2:改进了用于控制表面的Pro Tools页面表映射。
火山2:修复了一个错误,该错误导致通过音符名称(例如“ A4”)输入频率值始终导致最大频率值,并且还可能导致崩溃。

苹果Mac音频插件包FabFilter Total bundle 2019.02.19 VST, VST3, AU 破解版下载:

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20/3/13 11:09:12
FabFilter音频插件包 Total bundle 2019.02.19 VST, VST3, AU

We have just released an update for all FabFilter plug-ins, containing various bug fixes and improvements. This update is free for existing customers and we recommend everyone to update to the latest plug-in versions. So what's new in this update?

Pro-Q 3:

Added optional external side chain triggering to EQ bands. To use this, first click on the Auto Threshold button above the dynamic range ring to enable custom threshold mode. Next to the threshold slider, click the new External Side Chain button to enable or disable triggering on the external side chain input.
Made the Processing Mode and Processing Resolution parameters non-automatable, to prevent automation from changing the latency during playback. In addition, all interface-only parameters such as the analyzer settings are now also non-automatable.
Fixed bugs that could cause ringing sounds or sweeping filter effects when using higher order dynamic filtering.
It is now possible to solo disabled bands again, like in Pro-Q 2.
Fixed a bug that prevented copying and pasting automation from marking all parameters as changed in the preview buffer in Pro Tools, making it impossible to overwrite existing automation.
Fixed a bug that caused the gain of a band to jump to zero when using the mouse wheel to adjust the Q in solo mode with the Gain-Q Interaction option enabled.
Fixed a bug that caused the interface to become all white after double-clicking to edit a text value in the Audio Units plug-in in Ableton Live 10 on macOS 10.13.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Audio Units plug-in to freeze for a while in Ableton Live when adding new bands.
Fixed a bug in the EQ display that made it impossible to enter permanent spectrum grab mode when already in spectrum grab mode.
Fixed a crash when entering EQ Match mode when there is no "stereo" yellow result curve in the EQ display (for example, if there are only Mid bands).

All plug-ins:

Updated plug-in for full compatibility with Mac hosts built specifically for macOS 10.14 (Mojave), such as Logic Pro 10.4.4, running under macOS 10.14.0 or 10.14.1. Previously this could lead to an all-black plugin interface.
Improved the way settings are saved when multiple plug-in instances are open to make sure the last setting that was chosen is saved correctly for new instances.
Added support for 300% scaling on 8K displays (High DPI) on Windows.
Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect scaling of the plug-in interface in Cubase 10 or Live 10 on High DPI displays in combination with certain graphics drivers on Windows.
Added a Refresh item to the Options submenu of the presets menu: this makes it possible to manually refresh the menu (and any V1/V2 Preset Folder submenus if available).
Fixed a bug on Mac that could cause program changes received by one plug-in to be forwarded to other FabFilter plug-in instances.
Pro-C 2, Pro-G: Added visualization of the plug-in input and output levels on Pro Tools control surfaces.
Pro-C 2, Pro-G: Fixed a bug that could cause the plug-in to stay in a triggered state if Enable MIDI is turned off while the plug-in is currently triggering on a MIDI note.
Pro-DS, Pro-L 2, Pro-MB: Added visualization of the plug-in output level on Pro Tools control surfaces.
Pro-L 2: Improved the Pro Tools page table mapping for control surfaces.
Pro-MB: Fixed a bug that could cause the plugin state to become corrupt, with the plugin output becoming silent in some very rare combinations of settings and audio input.
Volcano 2: Fixed a bug that caused entering frequency values by note name (e.g. "A4") to always result in the maximum frequency value, and potentially cause a crash as well.
Various minor bug fixes and improvements.

20/4/22 22:51:51
苹果Mac音频插件包FabFilter Total bundle 2019.02.19 VST, VST3, AU [修改]